NCTE PAR 2022-23
- Details of instructional facilities such as laboratory and library
- Hyperlink of council’s website
- Detail of faculty (with scale of pay photograph and detail of who left or joined in the last quarter )
- Facilities added during the last quarter
- Detail of avilable infrastructure facilites
- Detail of student upload in website
- B.Ed. Ist Year Student 2022-23 D.El.Ed. Ist Year Student 2022-23
- Number of books in library , referred journals subscribed to and addition. if any , in te last quarter
- Detail of sanctioned programme along with annual intake
- Fee charged from student
- Balance sheet as on the last date of te financial year 2022-23
- Income and expenditure account for the financial year 2022-23
- Receipt and payment account for the financial year 2022-23
- B.Ed. Ist Year Student 2021-22 attandace
- D.El.Ed. Ist Year Student 2022-23 attandace
- Society Registration
- Society Pan Card
- Affidavit on Rs. 100/- stamp paper
- Mandatory disclosure in the prescribed format
- Details of biometric data updated on website on the institution on weekly basis